Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to handle life's challenges

Life  is a journey which we can complete either by complaining about the challenges, or by gracefully accepting them as an opportunity to learn and grow.  We are constantly conditioned to avoid pain and work towards getting more happiness in life.  Whenever, we perceive us going through difficult time, we get angry/sad and keep waiting for the that time to end. However, life passes in moments and we must completely live every moment regardless of the feeling that it brings. Happiness or sorrow, both are transient states and the only thing that's permanent in life is "change".  Good or bad time are just the  perceptions of our mind. Here is a great Mantra to be remembered:
"This too will pass."

 We should always remember this mantra, and not get attached to any event of our life.  If we always remember this mantra, nothing can make us suffer in our life and we can always be satisfied with whatever life brings to us. If we follow this mantra, we shall never get overwhelmed in any situation and lead our life with peace and gratitude.

Our life is directed by the inner desires stored in our subconscious mind i.e. our "feeling mind".  Here so many of our desires are deeply rooted, which drive us towards the various experiences of our life.  Each event of our life is extremely important for our growth and development. Present moment is the only time that's real and to be lived completely.  So, we should calmly lead our life, gracefully accepting each experience as a gift from God and, without getting attached to any experience, we should keep reminding our self that "This too will pass".

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